2024 All-Church Mission Trip

July 13-20th to Vancouver, WA

Serving with River City Church



There are a few open spots remaining.  Contact Amy at Amy_Castello@meadowbrookbc.org for additional information.


Missions Objective:

The MBC Missions Team will serve with River City Church, a 2019 church-plant in Vancouver, Washington. We will be meeting tangible needs among the marginalized in a community that is approximately 4% Christian. Find out more information about River City Church here: www.rivercityvancouver.com

 Some ways we might serve include:

·         Assisting the houseless families that use RCC’s church building for shelter.

·         Assisting with the weekly food giveaway that serves over 750 Hispanic, Chuukese, and Ukrainian families.

·         Assisting other nonprofits in the area.

·         Assisting partner churches in the area with their outreach efforts


Cost:  $650 per person



·         January 28th - $150 Deposit (Applications DUE!)

·         April 7th - $250 2nd Payment

·         June 23rd - $250 Final Payment

(Please put payment of cash or check, if writing check put in memo: Summer Mission Trip, in a provided deposit envelope and in a black box in Gathering Place or outside Family Pastor’s office.) No online payment options offered.


Mission Trip Registration and Application:

Each person attending the Summer 2024 Mission Trip must complete an application by selecting the buttom above.


Applications are DUE on January 28th. Every adult must have a background check conducted by MBC – if you do not have one on file Rene’ Stone will be emailing you.  


Vancouver, WA, Mission Trip Meetings:


Interest Meeting - Sunday, November 26th @ Noon in the Connection Room – If you are interested in attending the Mission Trip, we will have a 30-minute meeting following the 11:00 worship service where you can ask any questions.


Training Meetings – April 7th and June 23rd @ Noon in the Connection Room – At this time we will review our tasks, travel plans, packing lists and any other details needed. Lunch will be provided.


Possible Ways to Serve:

·         River City Church is in an older building and some repair/construction projects will be happening.

·         Interacting with houseless children/families who use RCC for daily shelter.

·         Helping with the All-Community Baby Shower hosted by RCC on Sunday, July 14th

·         Serving with other nonprofits in the area with projects.





Saturday (7/13):          -Depart at 7am for DFW (flight departs at 10:15am and arrives in Portland at 12:23pm). --We will take public transportation from Portland to Vancouver, we are staying at Comfort Suites (2 people to a room).

                                    -Orientation with Ryan Sidhom, Pastor of RCC

Sunday (7/14):            All-Community Baby Shower

Mon-Fri (7-15-19)       Various activities as determined by Ryan

Satruday (7/20)           Take public transportation back to Portland for flight at 12:04pm arriving to DFW @ 5:50pm)